M a s s a g e
You can count on your massage at Santé to be conscientious, therapeutic and highly beneficial to your whole body.
Benefits of Massage therapy
Massage is a powerful antidote to stress and has many physiological and psychological benefits.
Relieves pain for migraine sufferers which can decrease the need for medication
* Releases endorphins – the body’s natural painkiller
* Improves circulation of blood and movement of lymph fluids - speeding and supporting the body’s ability to heal itself, promoting healthy tissue function. Increases your body's blood flow delivering vital nutrients to your entire body--bones, muscles and organs included.
* Reduces blood pressure
* Strengthens the immune system
* Relieves muscle tension and stiffness and decreases muscle fatigue and soreness
* Decreases pain in injured and overused (or underused) muscles
* Increases joint mobility, flexibility and Range of Motion* Speeds muscle recovery – by increasing the body’s ability to eliminate waste from muscle tissue* Increases muscle function while decreasing the chance of injury
* Aids in relaxation of the entire body
* Massage anchors us and enhances calm thinking and clarity.
* Lengthen, strengthen, and energize
* Reduces spasms and cramping
* Reduces post-surgery adhesions and edema (inflammation) – reducing and realigning scar tissue
* Deeply relaxing, stress-relieving, healthy treatment
* Improves your body's range-of-motion, flexibility
* Improves sleep pattern
* Improves physical stress level
* Improves posture, creating better movement without pain* Increases energy and mental awareness
* Improves digestion
Receiving a professional massage is equivalent to a 3.5 mile run for your whole body.
Whatever your massage needs are--to smooth through the tension, pinch or ache in your neck, shoulders, or low back, or when you are simply looking for some serious decompression and release.
what type of massage does sante provide?
Sometimes spas divide their massage pricing out based on the type of work requested, i.e., extra charges for "Deep Tissue" and slightly less for "Swedish". At Sante, the cost of your session is based on the length of your massage session only. Please feel free to request the amount of pressue you prefer. You can expect to receive the best, most appropriate techniques suited to the needs your body happens to be presenting the day of your session. Each subsequent session will include a verbal reassesment to address your body's needs as they change over time.Based on your requests and the therapist's professional opinion, your massage will then include any or all of the following Integrative techniques: deep tissue, swedish, neuromuscular, sports-therapeutic, pre and post pregnancy, trigger-point work, positional release modalities, lymphatic, and reflexology.
Please NOTE: 1.5 hours is the highly recommended minimum time (especially if it's been a while since your last massage! :), for the most therapeutic benefit to your body. Ask any massage therapist--you get a great deal more whole-body benefit in those additional thirty minutes.
Sixty Minutes Health investment - $110
One Hour Fifteen Minutes Health investment - $130
One and One Half Hours Health investment - $150 One Hour Forty Five Minutes. Health investment - $165
Two Full Hours Health investment - $175